Busted by the Feds News Documentary

Documentary Expose on Corruption in the BOP


Justice Broadcasting Company

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I’m producing Broadcast Videos on what the Chrisleys’ and Elizabeth Holmes can expect in prison and looking for ex inmates who have served time in Federal Camps and Low FCI’s to appear in it. You must have a HIGH QUALITY video camera and a reliable Internet connection. Please reach out to me ASAP with the dates you are available! Inmate family members welcome as well!

Thanks for participating in the Busted by the Feds Documentary Series. Below are preliminary questions that must be answered so we can get you scheduled for your remote interview. You’ll be provided a list of the main topics/questions several days in advance that you’ll be asked during your video interview/recording.Video taping will commence November 27 and run thru the end of December 2022.


You will need a High Definition (HD) camera. Your laptop computer or cell phone may already have one. Your camera / phone must be capable of recording at 1920 x 1080 p in Horizontal / Landscape mode. Most newer iPhones have this capability! If you’re not sure, Google the specifications on your phone to confirm this.

You “may” need a phone stand or a stack of books to adjust the phone’s height during taping as well as a lapel microphone to maintain sound quality and good lighting and a quiet place to broadcast from. You will be provided a link to connect to prior to your taping.

These are not round table discussions with several people but one on one interviews. Excerpts of your interview will be edited into the documentary along with excerpts from other former inmates.


Please answer the following questions and Email to bustedbyfeds@gmail.com feel free to reach out should you have any questions.

Your name, phone number and email
The type of phone / computer you’ll be using
Your age and city you live in
What you were charged with and how long was your sentence
Where did you do your time and how long did you spend in custody
When did you go in and were released
Did you use a Prison Consultant

P.S. I did 10 in the Feds and served time at 11 facilities of multiple custody levels, and was convicted for “Narcotics Trafficking, Securities Fraud, Racketeering, Obstruction of Justice and Machine Guns”, so I know the score and am not just some Hollywood Asshole looking to exploit you!

Hopefully this documentary series and your participation will help others going in understand what the BOP is REALLY ABOUT and how they can work the system to their advantage.

Larry Levine


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