Covid – Around the world People ARE getting better in 48 hours here is how


Updated 7-31-21 Please click on featured video above^^

Dr Peter McCullough Vice Chard of Internal Medicine at Baylor Dallas shares his perspective on the Covid Saga

Dr Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein on Dark Horse podcast June 1 21   4 min clip

Dr Kory testifies in the US Senate UNDER OATH about his hands on experience with Ivermectin Dec 8 2020

Some current background reality on Covid VAXXing and #ivermectin

Listen to Ellen tell about Ivermectin saving her and her mother from Covid

Dr. Alexis Lieberman, a Philadelphia pediatrician, began to research ivermectin after seeing early studies that demonstrated its efficacy against COVID-19. As more studies emerged, she become a champion for the medicine that is deemed to be one of the safest medicines in the world— and one that is scientifically proven to prevent and treat COVID-19.

Nov 20-20 Fighting Covid with Ivermectin update from Drugs Dot Com>>>
Excerpt>>>>> Ivermectin is currently being investigated as a treatment for coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus that causes COVID-19. The trials so far have shown ivermectin reduces the number of cell-associated viral DNA by 99.8 % in 24 hours. Further studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of this medicine in humans with COVID-19.

Ivermectin News Videos Please Click Below

We need this in America NOW! Your doctor has the legal right to treat you with Ivermectin, in current Covid-19 context!
 Ivermectin is an established, affordable drug capable of preventative and therapeutic treatment in people who have tested positive for Corona virus and or showing symptoms of COVID-19. It is now being used in many countries around the world to treat Covid successfully.
“We have a therapy that can fight COVID-19. The medications have been around for 50 years, they are cheap, FDA and TGA approved and have an outstanding safety profile. Why are we just waiting around for a vaccine? To save lives we should be using whatever is safe and available right now. We could lead the world in this fight.”

Professor Thomas Borody MB, BS, BSc(Med), MD, PhD, DSc, FRACP, FACP, FACG, AGAF, FRS(N).

Professor Thomas Borody, famous for curing peptic ulcers using a triple antibiotic therapy saving millions of lives, has released the COVID-19 treatment protocol to general practitioners in Australia who can legally prescribe it to their COVID-19 positive patients, and can also prescribe it as a preventative medication.

​Borody says this could be the fastest and safest way to end the pandemic in Australia within 6-8 weeks.

Professor Borody says his research has led him to a triple therapy of Ivermectin, zinc and an antibiotic – which are all TGA and FDA approved. The therapy comprises:

  1. Ivermectin – TGA and FDA approved as an anti-parasitic therapy with an established safety profile since the 1970s. Known as the “Wonder Drug” from Japan.
  2. Zinc
  3. Doxycycline – TGA and FDA approved tetracycline antibiotic that fights bacterial infections, eg. acne or urinary tract infections, viral and malarial infections.


Everyone should get informed and TELL their doctor that they want to discuss the specifics of their situation.  Consider Ivermectin as a preventative or therapeutic treatment.

See much more research here click the link below!




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